Brownie Batter Bliss Balls

Nutrition: 213 calories, 5g fat, 18g carbs, 23g protein

-10g gluten free oats
-10g chocolate casein protein powder
-15g cacao powder
-1 tsp stevia
-80g cottage cheese

1. Combine all ingredients in a food processor until smooth and shiny 
2. Scoop out and roll into balls. If the mixture is too sticky put it in the fridge for a while 
3. Best stored out of the fridge


  1. Hi Jess, just wondering if you can explain what casin proein power is? I use a raw vegan protein powder and wondeing if your recipies would still work with the different protein?

    1. Hi :) casein is a slow-release milk protein, when combined with other ingredients it makes a really thick batter. Depending on your protein powder it might or might not work in this recipe, all you can do is try!
